
21. December 2024

Sit back and enjoy our suggestion for this year’s Christmas short film. Next summer there will be new opportunities for you and everyone else to take a trip from Trondheim to Oslo. There is no link on the image so you have to click on the text here to start the movie. In 1988, NRK...

25. October 2024

Rye 15 has its information meeting on October 28 and a group is formed from Hadeland and the surrounding area. Many clubs are currently organizing training groups to cycle Trondheim-Oslo in June. Sportsklubben Ryes gruppe Rye 15 has an information meeting on October 28 at 19:00 at Mesterbakeren in Alf Bjerkesvei 22c 0582 Oslo They...

16. July 2024

We are pleased that we have once again completed Trondheim-Oslo and the other races in the Styrkeprøven without any serious incidents. We are grateful to all the volunteers who put in a solid effort before, during and after the event. We also congratulate all this year’s participants and welcome you back in 2025. For many...

17. December 2023

In order to get through Styrkeprøven or Jotunheimen Rundt in a decent way, it is important that you are able to both eat and drink while cycling. It is therefore natural for most of our participants to practice this. Now, Matthieu Clauss at the Sports Academy in Oslo has researched how important the intake of...

12. December 2023

As you probably know, Styrkeprøven is owned by eight sports teams in and around Oslo. You have probably heard rumors that Styrkeprøven is struggling financially and that there is a risk for future races. We can clearly deny both parts. Styrkeprøven will run with a profit in 2023 and has good cooperation with the authorities...

1. November 2023

The starting arrangement in 2024 will not be significantly changed from before. Those who have trained together must start together and those who cycle the fastest must start first. That’s pretty much how it’s always been. The fact that clubs, teams and groups that have trained together cycle Styrkeprøven together provides much better safety for...

7. October 2023

Would you like to know more about being a volunteer in Styrkeprøven ? Gain valuable experience, come to an information meeting for volunteers! We serve something to bite into and drink and talk about how we run Styrkeprøven today and which tasks we need help with. Being a volunteer can give you a different insight...

13. June 2023

The Swedish Road Administration has decided that Styrkeprøven will send the participants into Oslo on pedestrian and cycle paths. The solution that the Norwegian Road Administration has chosen has not been tested by us before they made their final decision. This solution has also not previously been mentioned either in the police’s statements or in...

2. June 2023

The bag freight is an addition to the normal baggage freight. You put luggage to Oslo as usual in our truck in Trondheim before departure. It will then be driven to Oslo. The shipping of bags is a little more complicated.Luggage is handed in to the trucks in Munkegata in Trondheim from 20-22 Friday evening....