The starting arrangement
1. November 2023
By Per Chr Dæhlin

The starting arrangement in 2024 will not be significantly changed from before. Those who have trained together must start together and those who cycle the fastest must start first. That’s pretty much how it’s always been.
The fact that clubs, teams and groups that have trained together cycle Styrkeprøven together provides much better safety for the participants than if everyone cycled in unstructured joint start groups.
And those who are going to cycle together must also be allowed to start together. The fact that we no longer have a team competition with our own ranking does not mean that we will have a joint start.
When you sign up, you will be asked how long you think you will spend. If you are in a group that wants to start and cycle together, you should agree on what you think your finishing time will be. In addition to the end time, you state the club, company and/or team.
This means that we get a fairly large grouping of registered participants based on the same end time.
We divide these end-time groups into start groups based on what those who are registered have stated by team, company and club. These starting groups will be allowed to start separately so that this does not allow unauthorized persons to enter the groups as this can create dangerous situations. The start time of these groups will be set up later.