Tips from experienced participants

We have spoken to five experienced Styrkeprøven riders. Here are their best tips before this weekend’s ride:

Hans-Jørgen Engen

  1. Check the bike carefully. Set with a freshly washed and freshly lubricated chain, and check the tires extra carefully after the last training ride.
  2. Do not overindulge in food and drink in the days before.
  3. Weather and wind often determine the finish time, so don’t let time targets ruin the trip if, for example, there is a headwind.
  4. Don’t invent new tricks. Drive on the safe side when it comes to food and drink.

Heidi Tovdal

  1. Eat well, but only familiar food your body/stomach is used to.
  2. Go to bed early! Enough rest is important in the days before.
  3. No hard training sessions in the days before the race. Possibly only light “whisking” to keep the legs and nerves in check.
  4. During the race: Eat steadily. Even if you are not hungry, your body needs replenishment. Nuts, licorice and gummy bears are a good combo!


Row Sollie

  1. That’s far. Eat bread or other regular food for the first 1/3, then nuts, ice cream and bars. Finish with gel. Vestlandslefser is recommended, in addition to snacks in a bicycle bag on the pole when you are tired.
  2. Build layer by layer with clothes that are easy to take off after the ride. Depends on weather and temperature.
  3. Do not wear shoes that are too tight. The feet swell a little along the way.


Andreas Welander

  1. In my experience, there is a single factor that can ruin the whole experience. It’s as simple as: Eat your food! If you run out of nutrients, none of the interval walks, long walks in rain and sleet, spinning classes or squat sessions help anything. The body does not glow. Think of it as an eating contest disguised as a bike race.

Bente Rossing

  1. Get nutrients and fluids steadily throughout. Practice eating and drinking with a little pulse and speed.
  2. At the forefront: If you are to drive as a team, driving together in connection with rolling is important so that everyone feels safe when rolling.


We wish all participants the best of luck! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Put the iron on and enjoy the ride!