
11. February 2024

Theodor Stokke Fagervold comes from Røa in Oslo, and was just 11 years old when he started cycling with a friend. – “The motivation for cycling really started with getting to the grocery store in Sørkedalen and eating a big coconut bun, and then managing to cycle home again,” he says . When Theodor was...

27. June 2023

Magnus Nordahl lives in Bærum, is about to turn 30 and is engaged to what he describes as the world’s most beautiful girl. In his spare time, he competes in obstacle courses (OCR), and in the past he has also been a top athlete in swimming. – I like varied and versatile training, and I...

25. June 2023

Babes On Wheels has just completed its first Styrkeprøven ride. That’s a lot thanks to Ingunn. Ingunn Marie Baastad lives on Nordstrand in Oslo with her family, and has always been active. She has played the violin since she was five years old, and has been involved in athletics and cross-country skiing since she was...

21. June 2023

There is always great excitement attached to the team competition in The Great Strength Test. For the past four years, the Trønder Express has dominated the competition, but this year the Easterners wanted it differently. In the Vallhall Arena, they could let loose their cheers after a demonstration of power. – Congratulations on this year’s...

6. June 2023

Anne Edelved is one of the Strength Test’s foreign participants. The 55-year-old comes from Denmark, and lives in Holbæk on Zealand. – I have always played sports, she says. – Handball has been my favorite. There I played at the top level until I was 47 years old. The Robinson Expedition When Anne put the...

11. February 2023

Ole Petter Mørck Larsen has participated several times in Styrkeprøven , and as many as ten times in the Jotunheimen Rundt. But one of the rides really stands out. Ole Petter Mørck Larsen originally comes from Oslo, but currently lives in Elverum. He is married, has two sons aged 19 and 5, in addition to...

17. December 2022

– According to my doctors, I can’t really ride a bike, says German Lara Wolleschensky . – I was the only one with a handicap Lara Wolleschensky was unlucky and suffered a stroke during childbirth. It has led to hemiparesis on her entire left side, which means half of her body cannot be controlled or...

27. October 2022

26 years ago, Magne found out that he has a disease that causes deaf-blindness. It has never taken away his enjoyment of cycling. Magne Fridtjof Karlsen lives in Kløfta and was born with hearing loss, which means he uses hearing aids in both ears. In 1996, he also found out that he has “Retinitis Pigmentosa”....