Trondheim-Oslo together

Rye 15 has its information meeting on October 28 and a group is formed from Hadeland and the surrounding area.

Many clubs are currently organizing training groups to cycle Trondheim-Oslo in June.

Sportsklubben Ryes gruppe Rye 15 has an information meeting on October 28 at 19:00 at Mesterbakeren in Alf Bjerkesvei 22c 0582 Oslo

They also allow you to join teams. Read more here:–uYNmpQ&rlkey=31cnmevzaqe507w76q3iltr7k&dl=0

T-O group from Hadeland and the surrounding area

We’re a bunch of people from around Hadeland who are trying to get a group together to cycle Trondheim-Oslo in 2025. For people around Hadeland and the surrounding area. The plan is to run in 17-18 hours. We organize 5 joint long-distance rides 150-200km before TO (must participate in 3). Randsfjorden Rundt as a ride is one of them.

You can find us here: You can also contact us at 95122455, Kjetil Lynnebakken Woll

If you are from another club that also wants to post some information here, please send an e-mail to [email protected]