Version 1.1 – Monday, October 14, 2024


P.O. Box 437
1302 Sandvika
e-mail: [email protected]

Duty phone: 993 39 750

In the days leading up to the event, we are very busy, but try to answer all inquiries.

We appreciate if you read this information thoroughly before asking. You should be able to find answers to most questions here.

Thanks for understanding! 😊


Dear participant!

Welcome to Styrkeprøven 2024, one of Norway’s oldest and most popular road bike races. It is with great pleasure and pride that we can once again welcome participants from as many as 30 different nationalities to the start at our three starting points: Trondheim, Lillehammer and Eidsvoll.

For the distance from Trondheim, it looks like there will be just under 600 registered participants this year, while we estimate that there will be around 700 participants from Lillehammer and perhaps up to 150 participants from Eidsvoll.

In 2024, there are some changes from previous years. This year, you will first cycle across Dovrefjell to Hjerkinn, then take a new route to Folldal and on over Venabygdsfjellet. When you get to Mjøsa, you will once again cycle on the west side that was last used in 2019. The reason for this is that it is easier to cycle here in terms of traffic. Therefore, we will probably stay on this side of Lake Mjøsa in the coming years.

We do our utmost to ensure that participants have the safest and best experience possible. We will also give you as a participant the best possible service along the way, with well-equipped food stations (with a varied menu), bagged freight to three food stations for participants from Trondheim, and service cars during the race.

It’s no secret that relations between Styrkeprøven as an organizer and the police and road authorities have been demanding in recent years. It is important for us to have such a good relationship with the authorities going forward. We therefore ask you as a participant to help ensure that we are allowed to arrange the Styrkeprøven ride in the future as well. The best way to do this is to show consideration for other road users as a cyclist and road user (even if you have a start number on your back and are being timed). Styrkeprøven is a touring race and this means that you must always follow normal traffic rules. The road is not clear, even though we have placed guards (course guards and stationary guards) at important points along the route.

A very important element in achieving a safe race is you as a participant. We therefore ask the individual to ride responsibly, taking into account other riders and the surroundings in general. Styrkeprøven should be a positive experience for everyone who participates. You are a key player in achieving this. Follow the instructions you receive along the way from both police and guards!

Another factor that is more difficult to control is weather and other external conditions. We’re hoping for sunshine and a tailwind, but you as a participant must be well prepared and plan your own participation well in terms of clothing, technical conditions and special wishes regarding food and nutrition.

As an organizer, we want you to be able to complete the race and be satisfied when you finally reach the finish line in Oslo. The race isn’t called The Great Styrkeprøven for nothing and it’s a great achievement to have completed this race. We also hope that our participants in the shorter distances will be inspired to perhaps challenge themselves to try our longest and historic distance.

We look forward to seeing you at the finish line at Tokerud in Oslo!


Cycling greetings from Styrkeprøven

Terje R. Myklebust

Ride leader



Start numbers can be picked up at the secretariat at the start or from one of our partners (Hank Sport or Braasport). If you want to get in touch with someone at the secretariat, you can find phone numbers in the list below.

In the envelope you pick up you will find:

Start number, sticker for the front of the helmet, self-adhesive tags with chip for both sides of the helmet, safety pins, luggage tags as well as tags for the bag freight for those cycling Trondheim – Oslo.

The start number this year is a start number that will be attached to the back with safety pins, as well as a sticker on the helmet.



For participants in the Oslo area, it is possible to pick up start numbers at Braasport Ullevål, Wednesday 11. June during the store’s opening hours between 10:00 – 19:00.

There will be relevant offers in the store and sales of Styrkeprøven effects.


In Trondheim, you can pick up your start number at Hank Sport in

Dyre Halses gate 1a, 7042 Trondheim. Friday 13. June at 10:00 – 19:00.

There will be relevant offers in the store, good prices on Enervit nutrition, as well as sales of Styrkeprøven effects.

In connection with the start number distribution in Trondheim, it will be possible to talk to two “veterans” of Styrkeprøven, Henning Sørum and Thomas Svane Jacobsen. Henning and Thomas will be present at Hank Sport in the time frame of kl. 17:00 – 18:00 to answer questions about the course, clothing, food and drink and anything else you might be wondering about.

Unclaimed start numbers will be brought to the start area at Trondheims Torg and can be picked up from 03:00 Saturday morning until the last starting pool has started.


Hammartun School Skole Skolegata 37, Lillehammer

The secretariat is open on Friday June 13 at: 19:30-21:00 and Saturday June 14 at: 08:30-12:00.


The secretariat will be at the start area at Eidsvoll station, Botshaugtangen, 2080 Eidsvoll open from 12:30 to the last start, Saturday 14. June.



It is no longer possible to book trains through registration, and since we have already issued tickets, there will unfortunately be no refund if you do not use the booked transportation.


For those who want to travel to Trondheim by train, we recommend departure on Friday 13. June at 08:02 where we also have a group ticket for those who have booked a train ticket through us (carriages 2 and 3) expected arrival to Trondheim is kl. 14:39.

Bicycles are delivered to the truck parked in Trelastgata next to track 19 (at Oslo S) from 1:00 pm. 07:00. Please note that this is outside the train station, but close by, see the picture below (red ring is the place for handing in bikes).

There will be bubble wrap available to wrap the bikes before transportation. Each participant is responsible for packing their own bike.


Bicycles for these departures are delivered up to 1 hour before departure on trucks in Trelastgata (Track 19). See where delivery takes place under information for Trondheim.

FRIDAY: Transportation Friday 13. June at 16:34 – transport by train and bicycle transport by car.

SATURDAY: We have booked a joint departure by train to Lillehammer on Saturday 14. June at 07:34 – expected arrival at 09:41
Bicycle transport only: NOK 290

Bicycles are delivered up to 1 hour before departure on trucks in Trelastgata (Track 19).

Bicycle delivery will be at Hammertun School.


We recommend regular train routes from Oslo S:. costs 124 kr at VY incl bike and there are 3 departures per hour to Eidsvoll (route: RE10, RE11 and R12)

We have no scheduled bicycle transportation to Eidsvoll.



It is an advantage if you travel light and pack as little luggage as possible. You put luggage to Oslo as usual in our truck in Trondheim before departure. Luggage is handed in to the trucks in Munkegata in Trondheim from 19-21 Friday evening. Those who have booked space for a bicycle case must deliver it together with their luggage on Friday evening. Luggage to be shipped to Oslo can be handed in right up to the start of the truck (must not be handed in on Friday evening).

The bag freight is an addition to the normal baggage freight. The bags are placed in racks by the trucks in Munkegata in Trondheim from kl. 19-21 Friday evening. Read which rules apply to bag shipping further down in this document.


Luggage is delivered to the truck at the start.



All distances go through the same route, except for short connecting loops from the start areas.


Here is the updated trail map from 2024

Here is the route on Strava from 2024


Elevation profile for Trondheim – Oslo (518 km):


After passing the road’s highest point on Dovrefjell at Hjerkinn (1026 m), all participants will cycle in the direction of Folldal. In the image below, this year’s trail route is shown as a red line, while the previous trail route via Dombås and Otta is marked in yellow. New route and previous route meet again at Ringebu. This means that the participants from Trondheim will also have to cross Venabygdsfjellet, where the road’s highest point (1060 m) is right by Muen.


In 2024, all participants who start in either Lillehammer or Trondheim will cycle on the west side of Lake Mjøsa. This means that Vingrom, Biri, Gjøvik, Skreia, Totenvika and Feiring will all be passed before arriving at Minnesund at the southern end of Lake Mjøsa. This section was last used in 2019, while in 2022 and 2023 Styrkeprøven ran on the east side of Lake Mjøsa.


New in 2024: Participants from Trondheim can’t spend more than 27 hours (time from last starting pool out of Trondheim). The reason for this is the requirements for security determined by the police. It is not possible to run an event that lasts longer than 27 hours when it is very difficult to obtain a sufficient number of stationary guards and the number of registered participants is unfortunately as low as it is now.

This means that all participants must have passed Hjerkinn (167 km) by noon. 13:32 (Saturday), Ringebu (281 km) by kl. 19:32 (Saturday), Gjøvik (384 km) by kl. 00:57 (Sunday) and Minnesund (448 km) by kl. 04:19 (Sunday). Those who are unable to comply with the maximum times of these locations must hand in their start number to the organizer. These riders continue at their own risk without being part of the race on cycle paths etc.

The service vehicles can assist with transportation to the nearest bus or train station for public transport to Oslo. Participants must pay for their own public transportation to Oslo.

For all distances, you must reach the finish line in Oslo by noon. 08:00 Sunday morning 16. June.


In order to improve the safety of participants and other road users, guards will be stationed at a number of locations along the route.

Stationary guards wearing jackets (see picture) and of course the police, have the authority to stop both cars and cyclists at the signal. All participants must always obey signals from both police and stationary guards.

Stationary guards can regulate traffic if there proves to be a need for this. In general, the stationary guards in Styrkeprøven will not be tasked with regulating other traffic, but will be present to reduce the likelihood of unfortunate incidents occurring. From start to finish, normal traffic rules apply at all times.

All participants must therefore ride calmly and carefully towards intersections and roundabouts even if a stationary guard is deployed. Pay close attention to the signs before and after intersections and roundabouts so that you take the right route.

If there is no stationary guard or police present to regulate traffic or pedestrians, normal traffic rules apply. Pay attention to the signs indicating where the trail goes both before and after intersections and roundabouts.

Trail guards with ordinary reflective vests (usually yellow vests – but also other colors) are guards without police authority or the ability to regulate traffic. Marshals can only inform and guide participants (not stop other road users).


Styrkeprøven will be carried out in accordance with the Regulations for Road Races (RTL) from the Norwegian Cycling Federation, since the race is on the NCF’s schedule.

The regulations for road races are available here:


All participants are obliged to familiarize themselves with the regulations before starting.

The following points are considered to be particularly important for Styrkeprøven to be successful and have good security:

  1. It is mandatory for all participants to wear a CE-approved helmet.
  2. All participants from Trondheim must have approved lights (front and rear) mounted on the bike from start to finish. It will be checked that everyone has front and rear lights at the start in Trondheim!
  3. It is forbidden to mount equipment for time trials, such as a pace bar.
  4. It is forbidden to use all types of earplugs connected to mobile phones, music players, radio communication or similar when participants are cycling.
  5. All forms of support vehicles are not permitted. It is therefore not allowed with any form of selling during the race. Participants will primarily use the organizer’s food and service stations along the way.
  6. The traffic rules must be observed by all participants. This is a touring race, which means that there is no free road for the participants. Red light means stop. The duty of care rules must be observed.
  7. When stopping, participants should stay on the right side of the road and preferably pull completely out of the roadway.
  8. Only up to two riders in width are allowed in a group. When a group of riders is to pass a slower cycling group, the group that is to pass must line up to ensure a quick pass. The group being passed should reduce their speed somewhat and move as far to the right as possible in the roadway.
  9. All garbage, drink bottles etc. should not be thrown into nature, but each rider is responsible for taking their garbage to the next food and service station. Litter bins have been placed at the food and service stations.

As the organizer, we have the following penalties for those who violate race regulations and/or road traffic laws:

  1. If a rider acts grossly negligent by exposing others to danger, this may result in disqualification or at least demotion on the result list without time.
  2. Participants using support vehicles will be placed at the end of the result list without time.
  3. Participants who throw beverage bottles, tubes, tires, paper or other trash in nature will get 30 minutes extra time. In case of repeated cases, they will be placed at the end of the result list without time.


As previously mentioned, Styrkeprøven is a road race and, as stated in the regulations for road races, the traffic rules must always be followed. According to the regulations on road cycling, it states:

Each individual participant and others involved are in all cases responsible for ensuring that section 3 of the Road Traffic Act is complied with.

What is referred to in the Road Traffic Act is:

§ Section 3. Basic rules for traffic.

Everyone must drive with consideration and exercise due care and caution so that no danger or injury can arise and so that other traffic is not unnecessarily obstructed or disturbed.

Road users must also show consideration for those who live or stay by the road.

It is important to note that the police have not given permission for traffic lights to be placed in the yellow flashing light anywhere in Styrkeprøven. Therefore, all participants must always stop at a red light.

In recent years, the police have carried out several checks in Styrkeprøven, including speed measurements of cyclists. We can expect the police to carry out such speed measurements again this year, checking that participants stop at red lights and that no one breaks the right-of-way rules. Participants who violate speed limits, run red lights or violate the right-of-way rules may risk receiving a ticket from the police. Pay particular attention to speed on long downhill stretches, such as the descent from Venabygdsfjell to Ringebu.

If the police continue to observe that many of the participants do not comply with the traffic rules, this could mean that the road authorities will not grant permission for the event in the coming years. That’s why it’s important that all participants help to comply with road traffic laws and race regulations.


When many people ride together in groups, you need to be extra careful to consider the safety of both yourself and the others you ride with:

  • Everyone must have working lights on the front and rear of the bike at the start, which must be used at dusk/darkness and always use rear lights if possible.
  • Stay focused. Accidents happen most often due to lack of attention.
  • Keep your place in the field – no abrupt lateral or longitudinal movements.
  • Clearly indicate potholes and other obstacles in the road.
  • Avoid loose parts, be careful with bottles, they can lead to dangerous situations if they go astray.
  • Keep the front wheel behind the rear wheel of the person in front of you. Use the brakes rather than riding up the side of the bike in front of you.
  • Avoid picking up your water bottle when you’re in the middle of the field – drink when you’re at the back of the field or on slopes when your speed is low.
  • Be careful on the way home after the finish. Make sure you’ve had enough sleep before you get behind the wheel to drive home after the race. After cycling Styrkeprøven, you are not suitable as a driver until you have rested properly!


Escort cars are not permitted in Styrkeprøven . By support vehicle in this context, we mean all vehicles that provide assistance to the riders on the route. Vehicles that intend to deliver or receive anything from the riders other than food stations (food, drink, clothing, equipment, wheels, etc.), vehicles directly in front of and directly behind the riders.

Riders associated with such vehicles will be relegated to the end of the results list without time.

The reason for this is solely to improve road safety for both participants in the race and other traffic.

The public will of course have the opportunity to be present on the route and cheer on the participants in Styrkeprøven.

Only the organizer is allowed to provide assistance to the participants when they are on the route.


Official cars that have the right to drive on the route and provide service are clearly marked at the front and rear with black and white stickers with the text: “SERVICEBIL” or “ARRANGØR”.


Handing in bags for the bag freight is between kl. 19:00 – 21:00 Friday evening in Munkegata in Trondheim. The bags must be delivered in the evening since the bags are transported from Trondheim before the first start.

You can deliver up to 3 bags before the start in Trondheim. We transport these to the food stations in Oppdal (105 km), Ringebu (280 km) and Totenvika (410 km), where the bag is waiting for you. On the same stand you put it on. Try to remember which shelf you put your bag on and mark it clearly so you can find it again quickly.

You must ensure that the bags are placed on the correct rack in Trondheim, so that those going to Oppdal are placed on a rack going to Oppdal, and similarly for Ringebu and Totenvika. Use the luggage tags found in your starter envelope and note the correct color code.

Feel free to add an additional label and/or write your name/mobile number directly on the bag.

TIPS! Place the bag in the same place on each bag stop in the racks. For example, rack 3, shelf 3 to the right at all food stations that have a bag stop. Then it’s easy to find the bag again (unless someone else has moved them) and you don’t have to think too much about where it is.


Here is an example of what you may need. This depends on the weather so check the weather forecast before packing your bags.

Oppdal – windproof jacket or rain jacket, extra sweater if it’s cold, extra loose arms or legs.

Ringebu – dry shirt, socks, gloves, an extra hose and an extra air cartridge

Skreia/ Totenvika – warm jacket, warmer gloves, an extra hose and an extra air cartridge as well as an empty glasses case so you can leave your sunglasses without breaking them

You can of course also put a muesli bar or two and some gel in your bag, but don’t use the bags to carry drinks. Do not include pre-mixed drinks in the bags. It’s heavy and can leak and ruin the contents of your bag and those of others.

You can check the weather here:

Over the mountain: https://www.yr.no/nb/værvarsel/graf/5-9310/Norge/Innlandet/Dovre/Hjerkinn

Gudbrandsdalen: https://www.yr.no/nb/værvarsel/graf/1-539599/Norge/Innlandet/Øyer/Tretten

In to Oslo: https://www.yr.no/nb/værvarsel/graf/1-87761/Norge/Viken/Ullensaker/Jessheim


There is limited space so we cannot transport other luggage or larger bags with the bag freight. In other words, you have to pack small. We hope everyone will help to make the bag freight affordable by not bringing too much in the bags.

They must be marked with start number, name and mobile number. You should also put an extra note in the bag with your name and mobile number so we can find out who owns it if the marking is lost. Unfortunately, we cannot take responsibility for ensuring that nothing gets lost along the way.

You cannot use normal plastic bags or similar. Experience shows that they break easily and you risk losing what you had in the bag. To ensure that nothing gets wet or falls out, we recommend using waterproof packing bags/drybags such as one of these or similar that we have good experience with:




Each bag can weigh a maximum of 1.5 kg. The bags will be weighed and approved when you deliver them!


When you have “used or passed the bag stop”, the bag must be removed from the rack and placed in the designated area for return shipping. There will be a beach flag marking the place where this will be laid. The text on the beach flag is: ” →OSLO: Put your bag here”

The labels for the bag stops (and luggage) look like this:


Even though the official start and finish areas of the race have been set up, it is important to be aware of where the timing starts and finishes.


The start time is stated in the participant list online and the distribution is made according to the participants’ self-seeding, if you want to change the pool, it will be possible to do it yourself via “my page” at EQ timing:


or go to our sign-up page and click on the “My page” tab

Alternatively, you can contact us at the start, those who want to start together should be allowed to do so as long as it is practically feasible.


The official start is from Munkegata at Trondheim Torg, but the timing does not start until you have passed Heimdal station (the train). This is 10 km after Trondheim Torg. The place where the time will start is just before the Heimdalsvegen/Kattemskogen roundabout.

The first start from Trondheim is at 04:00
Last start from Trondheim is at 04:45

The fastest start first, and there are consecutive pools at 3 minute intervals.


The start is from Hammartun Skole, but the timing does not start until you are on Vingromsvegen after passing over Vingnesbrua.


Start at Eidsvoll station and the timing starts on the way out of Eidsvoll center (about 500 meters from the start).


The closing ceremony will take place at Gjelleråsen in Oslo. All participants will take Fv401 from Slattum up to Gjelleråsen. There are two roundabouts at Gjelleråsen, the last of which the participants will pass through is on Rv4. Approximately 650 meters after the last roundabout where Brådalsstubben turns off Rv4, all participants will enter the pedestrian and cycle path that runs parallel to Rv4. When the participants enter the pedestrian and bicycle path, time stops.

From this place where the time stops, there is a short transportation stage of just under 2 km to the finish area. The finish is located at Tokerud multi-purpose hall.

In the finish area you will find everything you need when you have cycled Styrkeprøven, including you will be served a small meal upon arrival in addition to recovery products from the sponsor. All luggage will also be in Tokerud multi-purpose hall.


Timing is provided by EQ Timing. An intermediate time is recorded when passing by:

  1. Torget in Trondheim (only to register the number of starters)
  2. Heimdal (start time)
  3. Oppdal
  4. Folldal
  5. Ringebu (2 pcs – Timeout zone)
  6. Vinger detour
  7. Minnesund
  8. Gjelleråsen (end time)


If family or friends want to follow you on your trip to Oslo, they can do so at https://www.eqtiming.com/no/

Find Styrkeprøven on the correct date and click on this symbol to the right:

Once the race has started, you can see when each rider has started, passed the split times and reached the finish line.


There are 2 time stamps in the envelope you receive. The 2 time chips with the start number on them are the ones you should use. Check that the chip number = your start number. They should be placed on either side of a dry and clean helmet like this:

Both time chips with your start number on them must be in the direction of travel. The time chip is disposable, so you don’t need to worry about returning the time chip.

In the envelope you will also find the start number for your jersey (with safety pins), a helmet sticker for the front of your helmet with your start number on it and the labels for your bags and luggage (see above).


The place where the time stop begins is in the area by the parking lot below Trabelifjellet (approx. 3.7 km after passing Kiwi Venabygdsfjell):

Just after this parking lot (on the right-hand side for participants), a steep descent from the mountain begins.

It is approx. 13 km from Trabelia down to Ringebu.

It’s a steep descent from the mountain and the road is not closed to other traffic. In addition, this is an area with varying asphalt, frost heave in the road surface and a few tight bends. We ask everyone to keep both hands on the handlebars and to take it easy down the mountain. A small misjudgment here can have disastrous consequences for both you and your fellow cyclists.

In order to ensure the safety of all participants, we therefore neutralize the time down from Venabygdsfjell to increase traffic safety in general. This means that everyone will have a time calculated for this section that corresponds to an average speed of 30 km/h.

Participants who spend less than 27 minutes between Trabelia and the lower timekeeping at Ringebu will receive a time penalty.

The timeout zone works so that riders must spend a minimum of 27 minutes on this stretch. If you ride faster than this, they will receive a time bonus of double the time you have ridden faster. For example, if you cycle down in 20 minutes, your time addition will be 7 minutes x 2 = 14 minutes.


ATTENTION! There may be ongoing conditions that affect the course, so always check that you have the latest version of the race manual and read this section in particular before going to the start.

NB! Places where you can̊ pay special attention:


  1. Please note that you will be crossing the bike path over Sluppen Bru
  2. Please note that you need to cross over to the bike path after the time has stopped at Gjelleråsen (a short distance to the finish area at Tokerud).

No detours are planned outside the described trail route.



When disaster strikes, seconds are precious. It’s better to call 113 once too often than not at all. You should always call 113 if:

  • Unconsciousness
  • Severe chest pain
  • Major breathing difficulties
  • Sudden difficulty talking, smiling or lifting.
  • Serious injury, major bleeding or severe acute pain.

We greatly appreciate any accidents being reported to our duty telephone so that we can register them, thereby enabling us to provide better assistance with the delivery of return luggage and, if necessary, a refund. bag shipping in retrospect.


All food stations are run by the Red Cross and it will be possible to get wound care and simple first aid at these. But in the event of an accident, 113 is what counts and this is how you will get the fastest and best help in the event of an accident.

The various food stations along the course will be manned during the race and all opening and closing times can be found in the table in the text below. The trail closes at the same time as the medical and first aid staff go off duty.


If it gets cold and you need to get indoors to raise your body temperature, we have several options. Feel free to come in and warm up at the food stations in Oppdal and Folldal. At Lundekroa, before you drive down from Venabygdsfjell (1.8 miles before Ringebu), you can also warm up:



The food stations and warming room at Venabygdsfjell have the following opening hours:

PlaceDistanceOpens 14. JuneClosing 14. JuneCloses 15. JuneTypeBag stop
Soknedal65 km05:3008:15 Food station 
Oppdal/Fagerhaug107 km06:4010:30 Food stationBag stop 1
Folldal195 km09:0015:15 Food station 
Lundekroa262 km (262 miles)10:00As needed Heating room 
Ring boo280 km (280 miles)11:2019:40 Food stationBag stop 2
Lillehammer340 km12:1523:00 Food station 
Skreia/Totenvika410 km12:45 02:30Food stationBag stop 3
Minnesund/Stensby450 km13:40 04:30Food station 
The gap491 km14:45 06:40Food station 
Notes: A simple warming hut will be established at Kiwi Venabygdsfjell/Lundekroa for those participants who need an extra break before the descent from Venabygdsfjellet to Ringebu. Kiwi Venabygdsfjellet is located about 70 km from Folldal, and there are approx. 18 km to the food station at Kiwi Ringebu.

Energy drinks from Enervit, coffee/tea, water and mixed juices are served at the food stations. Some food stations offer Coca-Cola. Fruit, sandwiches and soup will be served. We also serve soups without meat, as well as fruit (see menu).

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee access to food that meets allergies or special needs (e.g. gluten-free, vegetarian, halal, etc.) and recommend those who have such needs to make sure to put such food in their bags and, if necessary, use a larger bag than what is recommended/allowed or two bags.


SoknedalFruit (bananas and oranges) Enervit sports drinks Juices water
Oppdal/FagerhaugFruit (bananas and oranges)
Fruit soup
Egg & Bacon Sandwich
Bread food
Cauliflower soup
Enervit sports drinks
FolldalFruit (bananas and oranges)
Meat soup
Egg & Bacon Sandwich
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
Ring booCauliflower soup
Fruit (bananas and oranges)
Chocolate cake
Egg & Bacon Sandwich
Taco Burrito
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
LillehammerFruit (bananas and oranges)
Seed baguette
Chicken wrap
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
Skreia/TotenvikaLocal dish
Fruit (bananas and oranges)
Club sandwich
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
Minnesund/StensbyFruit (bananas and oranges)
Enervit Gel
Club Sandwich
Egg & Bacon Sandwich
Rhubarb soup
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
Hot blackcurrant toddy
The gapFruit (bananas and oranges)
Pulled pork burrito
Chicken wrap
Enervit sports drinks
Coffee drinks
Target areaTaco Burrito
Egg & Bacon Sandwich
Chicken wrap
Hot dish from 19:00 (free of charge)
Kiosk with waffle, sausages
Juice Water Coffee
Kiosk with soft drinks and mineral water, beer


The location of the finish area will be updated shortly. Here you will be served a small meal (free of charge) and find facilities such as:

  • Baggage delivery
  • Bicycle parking
  • Sleeping area
  • Café/kiosk
  • Exhibition area
  • WC and changing room with shower facilities


Parking options will be updated shortly.


Feel free to meet up in the finish area and wait for the riders you will be cheering on or driving home from there. There is a kiosk in the hall and it is possible for the audience to buy food, drinks and snacks.

Map of target area (to be updated):